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The Spitfire is a British interceptor fighter in Empires: Dawn of the Modern World that is good against bombers and strafes land and sea targets, including submarines. It is upgraded from the Sopwith Camel for 85 Gold EDMW Icon Gold.

The Spitfire was the best interceptor fighter at the start of World War II. Spitfires played a major roll during the Battle of Britain.[1]

There were some 40 different variants of the Spitfire produced throughout the war and soon after. They served in every combat area, operating as fighters, fighter-bombers, reconnaissance aircraft and carrier-based fighters with the Royal Navy. The Spitfire sported 4 x .303 MG's and 2 x 20mm wing mounted cannons, and could support an external bomb load of one 226 kg or two 113 kg.[2]


  • Good vs. Bombers and land units.


  • Weak vs. anti-air units.

See also[]


  1. Empires: Dawn of the Modern World manual. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Stainless Steel Studios, Activision, 2003.
  2. Units: England/UK at Empires Aeon