Siege Weapons are land-bound combat machines dedicated for purposes that infantry are less equipped to accomplish. They are produced exclusively in the Siege Factory. Like infantry and cavalry, they can heal through the services of Hospitals, Medics, Wonders, and Strategist Heroes. They are not to be confused with infantry that serve anti-building roles.
Most ranged siege weapons have minimum range, meaning there is a certain minimal distance below which they cannot fire. This makes them especially vulnerable against fast-moving melee units. While they might appear imposing, Siege weapons are commonly weak against Infantry, Cavalry, and several other units' attacks, making them sort of a Glass Cannon to balance the game's dynamic.
Types and Purposes[]
The only family of melee-only siege weapons that exclusively attack buildings and are especially good against enemy Walls and Gates. They are also more durable against Tower projectiles compared to other non-Hero combat units. Units:
Archaic Splash Weapons[]
Ancient stone-slinging weapons that have AoE damage. They are the first unit capable of carrying out the Bombard Command, in which they continuously unload projectiles to a designated zone within range with no particular target. They are effective in taking out chunks of health from groups of Infantry and even Cavalry, but can't take many hits from Shock or Pierce attacks themselves and have a rather lengthy minimum range. They also die easily to Impact siege weapons' attack. Units:
Archaic Impact Weapons[]
Stone-lobbing siege weapons that have high-damage projectiles and low rate of fire. Their attacks can put a huge dent in almost any unit's health bar, but they serve best to destroy buildings from distance. They can easily out-range Towers of their epoch and are the most effective ranged land unit to hurt a Battleship of its epoch. This siege weapon type is capable of parabolic fire, meaning they can fire their projectiles above walls onto targets on the other side, giving them potential as defensive weapons against onslaught. They share the same weakness of Splash siege weapons in which they have lengthy (even lengthier) minimal range and easily die when clutched by a group of melee infantry/cavalry. Units:
Siege Tower[]
Siege Towers are transport units that can load and unload Infantry through the obstruction of Walls and Gates. They are useful to cripple protected compounds before razing the buildings, as the opponent might have Citizens repair Walls or Gates from within or even have Citizens flee from a concealed exit to rebuild elsewhere. Siege Towers are very weak against Piercing attacks and are ideally deployed when the attacking force is dominating the field outside the walls. Units:
Splash Cannon[]
Gunpowder-based AoE siege weapons that serve the same purposes as the stone-throwing archaic splash weapons and are also capable of Bombard Command. The main difference being, as the Epoch leans more and more towards ranged combat, this line of siege weapons also adopt longer range and marginally lengthier minimal range. They are similarly weak to melee attacks. Units:
Impact Cannon[]
A type of siege weapon that will last to the final epoch. They serve similarly to the archaic impact siege weapons minus the ability of parabolic fire. From the Atomic Age forward, these units are rather resistant against Tanks' fire. Units:
Parabolic Splash Weapons[]
Siege weapons with Range value that is the longest among land units. They have excellent AoE value and can only fire in parabolic fashion. They are capable of Bombard Command. Their exceptionally long range means they can attack from a fairly safe distance, or damage structures and units deep within obstruction of walls, while their high damage, wide AoE and indiscriminate effectiveness against land units make them exceptional in crippling otherwise powerful formations composed of various units. But said advantages are balanced by their lacking speed, mobility and overall vulnerability to any sort of attack. They also cannot target units or Bombard zones shrouded by the Fog of War and will immediately stop cold when their destined target goes out of sight. Another less known weakness of this series of Siege Weapon is that their Line of Sight is severely scant compared to their actual firing range, so they work best with other units that can provide them view of their target; preferably Sharpshooters/Snipers. Units:
Units made for the purpose of defeating Tanks and are really good at said role. They take little damage from Tanks, match their speed and firing range, and Tanks' armor are useless against their attacks. They also dish good amount of damage against many non-aerial Cybers come Epoch XIII. These units are weak against basic ranged infantry and hybrid F/B. Units: