The Roman Campaign is the first of three campaigns in Empire Earth: The Art of Conquest. It's focused on the Roman Republic and has 6 scenarios.
The first two scenarios feature Gaius Marius, who in the first scenario fights with the tribes Cimbri, Ambrones and Teutons, which want to ravage through Rome; in the second, he fights Sulla with the help of the Carthaginians and kills his senators in the end. The rest feature Julius Caesar, who destroys Sulla's Eastern legions, then in Gaul defeats the Celts, Hill Tribes, Ambrones, Belgae, Suebi, and Helvetii, crosses Rubicon and deals with Gnaeus Pompey, Italia, Greeks, Pirates, Egypt. In the final scenario, you must force either Cleopatra or Ptolomey to surrender to Pompey.
Game Description[]
The Roman Republic was born sometime in the 6th Century BC, when the growing village of Rome rebelled against its Etruscan rulers. The local Roman aristocrats set up a Senate and delegated executive action to a pair of annually elected Consuls. Over the next few centuries the village grew into a prosperous city and united much of Italy under its rule by conquest and diplomacy. It eventually expanded its influence into the Mediterranean by challenging and defeating the established power of Carthage. It would be in the 1st century BC, however, that the Roman Republic would face a series of its most difficult challenges from both within and without its borders - confrontations that would inevitably dissolve a republic, establish an empire and dramatically change the course of Western European history.
- Soldiers for Rome
- Restoring the Republic
- A Conqueror Learns His Trade
- The Gallic Wars
- Crossing the Rubicon
- Rome's Pharaoh