Empire Earth Wiki
Empire Earth Wiki
For other units with the same name, see Prophet.


The Prophet is a support unit built at the Temple. Prophets are available from the Prehistoric Age and are powerful defensive and attacking weapons due to their ability to cast calamities. To balance their relatively high power, they are slow moving and expensive, both in terms of resources and population space. Do not build a Wonder unguarded if you want to win. These prophets will come and destroy those buildings.


In Empire Earth, Calamities can be invoked by any player with the Prophet unit. Once a Prophet has enough power to unleash a Calamity, all the Prophet has to do is to select a target within range. Calamities affect both friendly and enemy units, except Hurricanes which do not harm allied ships. Calamities are devastating in early Epochs, but become less destructive in later Epochs as units become better armored and have more Hit Points.


Malaria Icon

Malaria looks a swarm of flies being cast out on an area. It causes an area of land units (except Cybers) to be reduced to 1 Hit Point. Malaria is most effective against massed units, especially melee units, as they can then be easily picked off by a single hit from ranged units. It can only affect land units. Costs 100 power.


Firestorm Icon

Firestorms start fires on a targeted building or ship which spreads to any building or ship within 1 tile range. They are more widespread than Earthquakes and also damage ships. Firestorms take a lot of HP off afflicted units/buildings. Most effective against farms and massed ships. Costs 75 power.


Earthquake Icon

Earthquakes cause severe damage to buildings around the point it is cast. They are more destructive than Firestorms and can raze buildings from early Epochs in one go. Earthquakes can affect all buildings except Temples. Costs 50 power.


Volcano Icon

Causes a 6 x 6 tile mountain to rise which spews molten rocks in random direction damaging anything near and underneath them. They can be used defensively as a choke point to block any land unit from passing. Costs 60 power.


Plague Icon

Plague looks like white rats running around the affected unit and is slower but more effective than Malaria. It causes the targeted unit to slowly lose health until it dies. Diseased units can infect any nearby human land unit, be it friend or foe. If a unit infected with the Plague is moved within healing range of a hospital, the infected unit will eventually be cured. Units affected by the Plague cannot board a transport ship, whether this is intended or not is not known. Plague can be healed but cannot be cured by healer units. Costs 100 power.


Hurricane Icon

Causes a storm over water which damages ships. It can be controlled like a unit by the player who cast it and thus can chase enemy ships. It sinks ships incredibly quickly and can cut an attacking force to smithereens in no time flat. It can only destroy ships and is unable to go on land. Costs 100 power.

Meteor Storm[]

Meteor Storm Icon

Meteors Storms are available only in Art of Conquest and is only available on maps with Space Terrain. This causes a swarm of meteors which damages space ships. Costs 75 power.


As powerful as Prophets are, as it is easy to defend against them. Any area that is within the coverage area of a Temple is immune to any calamity. In addition, non-upgraded Prophets are relatively slow moving and therefore easy to attack. Cybers are unaffected by all Calamities except Volcano.


  • From the Copper Age to the Dark Age, and from the Industrial Age onwards, the Prophet yells "Deus vult!" when he casts a Calamity. This is Latin for "God wills it" or "God wants it to happen".
    • Dark Age to Industrial Age Prophets instead yell "Deus abscondicus!", which means in Latin, "the hidden God".
