- For other buildings of the same name, see Missile Base.
The Missile Base is a Scenario Editor building in Empire Earth that allows you to nuke enemies. Right-clicking an enemy unit or building will target it for an air strike. It is present in the Russian Campaign, during the A Change of Heart scenario.
Empire Earth: The Art of Conquest[]
The Art of Conquest expansion adds an alternate Missile Base for Random Map Mode as a Civilization Power building. It is unlocked in the Digital Age and produces Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) that can be sent at an enemy target, as long as it is in your Line of Sight. Missiles cost 1000 Gold and Iron each, and a single Base can store up to 5 ICBMs inside it.
The only way to protect yourself from ICBMs is by creating Anti-Missile Batteries, which can destroy incoming missiles.
Note: these do not work against the Missile Bases from the original game.
The Missile Base is the main Civilization Power of Novaya Russia.