Empire Earth Wiki
Foundation 2 "What?! The foundations are set, but the citizens have abandoned their duty!"
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The Korean Campaign is the first campaign of Empire Earth II. The player controls the Koreans. It covers the period from 2333 BC to 676 AD.

In-game description[]

Throughout its history, Korea has struggled to remain a nation united. Aggressive neighbors and internal unrest have constantly threatened Korea's unique cultural identity. But despite invasion, occupation, and revolution, Koreans have emerged a proud and determined people. Guide the people of this peninsula from their earliest city-states to their ultimate unification under one nation.


  1. Land of the Morning Calm
  2. Ancient Chosun
  3. The Yen
  4. Overthrow
  5. The Three Kingdoms
  6. Unlikely Allies
  7. Deception
  8. Korea United