Empire Earth Wiki

"Powerful cultures overtake others in the Iron age as empire-building begins. With cities firmly established and labor clearly divided, many people find themselves with more leisure time, leading to advances across civilizations."
- Empire Earth 2 Encyclopedia.


The Iron Age, also known as "Epoch IV", comes after the Bronze Age in Empire Earth II.






Name Description Cost Building Flag For Research
Recurve Bow Gives Composite Bow Men and Crossbow Men +1 Line of Sight and Range 12 Tech Points Barracks Yes
Oceangoing Vessels Gives all Naval Units +10% speed 12 Tech Points Dock No
Decimal System Gives Catapults and Trebuchets +10% damage 12 Tech Points Workshop No
Subterfuge Grants Sabotage and Restore Abilities to Spies 12 Tech Points University Yes
Military Reforms Reduces cost and build time of Swordsmen, Men at Arms, Musketeers, Spearmen, Pikemen and Halberdiers by 10% 12 Tech Points Barracks Yes
Land Reclaiming Gives Citizens +10% Special Resource Gather Rate 12 Tech Points Warehouse Yes
Mechanical Engineering Reduces cost and build time of Catapults and Trebuchets by 10% 12 Tech Points Workshop Yes
Standardization of Exchange Gives all Trade Units +10% Trade Route Dropoff 12 Tech Points Market No
Anatomy Gives Swordsmen, Men at Arms, Musketeers, Regulars, Riflemen, Assault Riflemen, Objective Force Warriors, Spearmen, Pikemen, Halberdiers, Machine Gunners and Mini Gunners +10% hit points 12 Tech Points Barracks No
Architecture Gives Temples, Universities and Wonders +10% hit points and +1 Line of Sight 12 Tech Points University Yes
Parchment Gives Temples and Universities +1 Garrison Slot 12 Tech Points University No
Geometry Gives Catapults +10% hit points 12 Tech Points Workshop No