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Empire Earth Wiki


A Hero is a special unit that can be trained at a Capitol. There are two types of Heroes: Strategist and Warrior. Aside from Campaigns, the player can have only one living hero at a time in the game, either a Strategist or Warrior Hero. The two available Heroes can be upgraded in every epoch. They first appear in the Copper Age. Both Warrior and Strategist heroes cannot be converted by a Priest. Heroes cannot have their attributes improved.


In random maps, a player can have two heroes (either two of the same, or one of each) if they save an upgrade for a hero from at least one epoch. By creating a hero at a Town Center or Capitol, and then upgrading the same hero at a different Town Center or Capitol, the hero box becomes lit again, and the player can then create a second hero. This only seems to work once - i.e. a player can't continue exploiting this bug to get more than one hero. If this hero dies, the player can train another one.

For example, suppose a player is in the Copper Age, and begins creating Gilgamesh (who is first available in the Stone Age) from a Capitol. When clicking the hero creation button, both hero buttons become grayed out. However, if they upgrade Gilgamesh to Hannibal while Gilgamesh is being trained, such that the upgrade completes before Gilgamesh has finished training, then the player will now be able to create a second hero - either Hannibal a second time (who used to be Gilgamesh), or a strategist, such as Sargon of Akkad or Alexander the Great, depending on whether the strategist hero has been upgraded yet.


The Strategist Heroes have the ability to heal other units, and at a much faster rate than Medics or Hospitals. By default, Strategist Heroes do not attack enemy units unless commanded to do so, and remain idle if attacked.

Battlecry Icon

Battle cry button

They have good HP and decent attack, and can use the Battle Cry - a special ability which temporarily decreases an enemy unit's morale, making them more vulnerable (In short, affected enemy units take more damage when attacked). Each age has its own unique Strategist hero and such they can be upgraded once you epoch up.

List of Strategist Heroes: Sargon of AkkadAlexander the GreatCharlemagneWilliam the ConquerorIsabella of CastileElizabeth IOtto von BismarckDeVerranErwin RommelRW BresdenAlexi SeptimusMolly RyanKhan Sun Do


The Warrior Heroes have higher HP and attack than the Strategists, but they cannot heal other units. Instead, Warriors have the special ability to provide morale bonuses to units around them, similar to houses around Town Centers or Capitols. This reduces the damage taken by the player's units that are in the effect radius of a Warrior Hero. Warrior Heroes are also excellent fighters and can act as a powerful fighting units.

List of Warrior Heroes: GilgameshHannibalJulius CaesarRichard the LionheartHenry VOliver CromwellNapoleonManfred von RichthofenTravis ShackelfordDennis St. AlbansSergei MolotovCyborg MolotovHu Kwan Do
