Empire Earth Wiki


The Electric Fence is the strongest palisade wall in Empire Earth II. They are light, cheap walls to block the enemy's path.

Relevant Technologies[]

  • Improved Defenses (II) - Palisades and Palisade Gates +10% hit points and +1 Line of Sight.
  • City States (III) - Reduces cost and build time for Palisades and Palisade Gates by 10%
  • Earthen Ramparts (VII) - Gives Palisades and Palisade Gates +10% Hit Points and +1 Line of Sight
  • Surveying (VIII) - Decreases cost and build time of Palisades and Palisade Gates by 10%
  • Steel Construction (XI) - Gives Palisades and Palisade Gates +10% Hit Points and +1 Line of Sight
  • Advanced Polymers (XIII) - Decreases the cost and build time of Palisades and Palisade Gates by 10%

In-game description[]

A fence-like structure designed to provide defensive protection over an area.
