The Ancient epoch is the first epoch in Empire Earth III. In this epoch, players have few choices of units, buildings and upgrades.
Players in the Ancient epoch can advance to the Medieval epoch for about 100 Tech Points, which takes 100 seconds.
- Builder
- Javelin
- Short Sword
- Pikeman
- Shortbow
- Horseman Raider
- Onager
- Siege Tower
- Lithobolos
- Fishing Raft
- Trade Ship
- Pentekonter
- Siege Ship
- Scout
- Prophet
- Axeman
- Slinger
- Sapper
- Usabari
- Parthian Horse Archer
- Scythe Chariot
- War Cart
- Ram
- Reed Ship
- Fire Ship
- Fishing Boat
- Trade Raft
Far Eastern[]
- Peasant
- Shaman
- Halberdier
- Recurved Bow
- Chariot Archer
- Cloud Ladder
- Double Crossbow
- Covered Boat
- Tower Ship
- Fishing Boat
- Trade Ship
Far Eastern[]
- Ministry
- Barracks
- Stable
- Workshop
- Dock
- Fortress
- Tower
- Market