Empire Earth Wiki

"Advances in shipbuilding give rise to capitalism, and as education spreads to the masses, Republicanism rises."
- Empire Earth 2 Encyclopedia.


The Age of Enlightenment, also known as "Epoch IX", comes after the Imperial Age in Empire Earth II.






Name Description Cost Building Flag for Research
Fifth Column Grants Spies Contamination and Decontamination abilities 18 Tech Points University Yes
Calculus Gives Bombard Cannons and Siege Guns +10% damage 18 Tech Points Factory No
Artillery Tactics Gives Field Guns and Field Artillery +10% Speed 18 Tech Points Factory No
Canister shot Gives Field Guns, Field Artillery, Mobile Rocket Launchers and Fushion Casters +2 Area Damage radius 18 Tech Points Factory Yes
Standardized Equipment Decreases cost and build time of Regulars and Halberdiers by 10% 18 Tech Points Barracks Yes
Machine Worked Tools Decreases cost and build time of Bombard Cannons, Siege Guns and Self-propelled Artillery by 10% 18 Tech Points Factory Yes
Crop Rotation Gives Citizens +10% Special Resource Gather Rate 18 Tech Points Warehouse Yes
Mercantilism Gives all Trade Units +10% Trade Route Dropoff 18 Tech Points Market No
Blast Furnace Gives Fortresses, Outposts and Wall Towers +10% Hit Points 18 Tech Points University No
Quartermaster Corps Gives Regulars, Riflemen, Halberdiers and Machine Gunners +10% Hit Points 18 Tech Points Barracks No
Scientific Instruments Gives Temples, Universities and Wonders +10% Hit Points and +1 Line of Sight 18 Tech Points University Yes
Rationalism Gives Temples and Universities +1 Garrison Slot 18 Tech Points University No